Thursday, November 29, 2007

Enormous White Truffle found

Enormous white truffle weighing over 1.5 kilos found near Pisa by a mongrel dog called Rocco. It is being auctioned in Hong Kong and may make as much as 150,000 euros.

Brings back memories of early November last year sitting in an agro tourismo (grow much of their own food) restaurant in Barberesco drinking Barberesco with 10g of white truffle grated on my home made pasta for a supplement of about 27 euro! boy was it worth it - how often do you get to sit in such a restaurant in truffle season.

Ramsey is offering it on his risotto in Powerscourt charging similar amounts but crucially not always telling his customers how much extra they will have to pay (according to Liveline on Wednesday - I know where I would rather eat white truffle given the choice...

see article here:
and here:,,2216999,00.html

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